On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 01:30:55AM +0530, kamal deen wrote:
> Without .pgpass file patroni can connect to postgres ?
Well, I think you could also set the password via environment variables,
but I am not sure that is much better form a security point-of-view.
As an alternative, if you have unix sockets configured and keep the
superuser password empty, Patroni will use a local unix socket
connection, i.e. does not require a superuser password to be set.
> How patroni service works in this sinario?
If you want to use pg_rewind, you will need to configure an additional
pg_rewind user (with a password, cause pg_rewind connects remotely) if
your superuser has no password. If you add this to a running Patroni
cluster, I think Patroni will not GRANT the necessary function execution
rights to this pg_rewind user so you will have to do this yourself. This
should all be in the Patroni documentation.