I created and some clients are using a PostgreSQL database with a web page connect. This is for holding environmental analytical data, locations of features, etc. I have added PostGIS but am as yet only using it minimally. I want to be able to write spatial queries on my data and later have the client do it via a web interface. The database is pretty complicated, based on an EQUiS ERD, BUT is currently a ‘holding place’ as I do most of my queries in the more familiar to me MS Access front end with ODBC connect
However, I would like to learn more about using this data and queries, SQL, etc, etc DIRECTLY in PostgreSQL – views, learns more about constraints, etc, etc – and make the web page more useful, etc – and in my professional situation I need to be self taught about this (and PHP, HTML, Java, OpenLayers, MapServer, etc, etc… J )
May be this is not the place - but I was seeking impressions on "The PostgreSQL Reference Manual", 2007 published - Volumes 1, 2 & 3? Worth dropping $100 of my own money on? Is there a better book or series of books? Something free online? ‘Hands on’ is best suited to how I learn, as I have real data…
Thanks in advance!
Data Management Specialist / Scientist / GIS Analyst V
S. M. Stoller Corp
105 Technology Drive, Suite 190
Broomfield, CO 80021
303-443-1408 fax
303-546-4422 direct
303-828-7576 cell