Re: Using Expanded Objects other than Arrays from plpgsql - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: Using Expanded Objects other than Arrays from plpgsql
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In response to Re: Using Expanded Objects other than Arrays from plpgsql  (Michel Pelletier <>)
Responses Re: Using Expanded Objects other than Arrays from plpgsql
List pgsql-hackers
Michel Pelletier <> writes:
> I've circled back on this task to do some work improving the skeleton code,
> but going back through our thread I landed on this point Tom made about
> usefulness vs pure skeleton and my natural desire is to make a simple
> expanded object that is also useful, so I brainstormed a bit and decided to
> try something relatively simple but also (IMO) quite useful, an expanded
> datum that wraps sqlite's serialize/derserialize API:

I think the odds that we'd accept a module with a dependency on sqlite
are negligible.  It's too big of a build dependency for too little
return.  Also, I'm sure that a module defined like that would be a
pretty poor example/starting point for other expanded-object
applications: there'd be too many aspects that have only to do with
interfacing to sqlite, making it hard to see the expanded-object
forest for the sqlite trees.

I have to admit though that the forest-v-trees aspect makes it fairly
hard to think of any suitable example module that would serve much
real-world purpose.  Likely scenarios for expanded objects just have
a lot of functionality in them.  For instance, I thought for a moment
of suggesting that teaching contrib/hstore to work with expanded
representations of hstores could be useful.  But I'd forgotten how
much functionality that type has.  It'd be a big project and would
still have a lot of baggage.

            regards, tom lane

pgsql-hackers by date:

From: Michel Pelletier
Subject: Re: Using Expanded Objects other than Arrays from plpgsql
From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: Converting contrib SQL functions to new style