David Brain <dbrain@bandwidth.com> writes:
> I have a situation where trying to drop a table results in:
> #drop table cdrimporterror_old;
> NOTICE: default for table cdrimporterror column cdrimporterrorid
> depends on sequence cdrimporterror_cdrimporterrorid_seq
> ERROR: cannot drop table cdrimporterror_old because other objects depend on it
> HINT: Use DROP ... CASCADE to drop the dependent objects too.
> Now as you can probably imply from the name if this table, this table
> has been renamed from cdrimporterror to cdrimporterorr_old and I have
> (or at least thought I had) removed it's dependency on the sequence by
> changing the tables column type (from bigserial to bingint) and
> removing the default value.
The "ownership" link is still there, evidently, and should be switched
to the new table. Read up on ALTER SEQUENCE OWNED BY.
regards, tom lane