I wanted to first thank you guys for the help so far. I can tell from
the number of responses that you guys like/care about PostgreSQL,
which is what you would expect on an open source project.
I plan on running through the available data like the CVS
repositories, and a tool like the one that Guido suggested
(http://statcvs.sourceforge.net/) looks helpful. I would also like
any other data that you guys can supply me. One data set in
particular would be a count of downloads. Really everything that is
available for Source Forge projects would be nice. I think that I can
probably mine data on bugs from the mailing list, but is there any
chance that there is a bug report database which I might be able to
get data from?
If you are interested here is a link to a similar study that another
student in my department did which I am using as a guideline:
Again, thanks for the help.
A pessimist says the glass is half-empty. An optimist says the glass
is half-full. An engineer recognizes that the glass is simply too big.