Dear All,<br /><br />Please how can I add a remote server in my pgAdmin. I can add local servers in my cluster which
runsGlobus 4 toolkit using PostgreSQL version 7.4. I am using pgAdmin3 v1.2.2. I get this error when i was trying to
adda new remote server:<br /><br />An error has occured:<br /><br />Error connecting to the server: FATAL: no
pg_hba.confentry for host "", user "globus", database "rftDatabase", SSL off<br /><br /><br
/> the IP for the local server, is the IP of the remote server, but is not showing it
inthe error.<br /><br />Please any help is appreciated<br />Regards<br />Gokop<br /><br /><p><hr size="1" />Be a better
penpal. Text or chat with friends inside Yahoo! Mail. <a