Ish Ahluwalia <> writes:
> 1) Does PostGreSql allows for multiple databases to be open at the same
> time?
The backend supports access to multiple databases at the same time.
> 2) Does PostGreSql have the ability to tag a Database/Table to be a
> persistent or non-persistent database/table? By this question I
> mean, that I may need to have a table that I don't want to be saved
> to the hard disk/ flash file system and only want to keep it in
> memory and other tables/database I may want to save to hard disk or
> flash. Does PostGreSql allow for that?
There has been discussion of this, but no implementation has emerged.
let name="cbbrowne" and tld="" in name ^ "@" ^ tld;;
Christopher Browne
(416) 646 3304 x124 (land)