2009/8/21 Jean-Michel Pouré <jm@poure.com>:
> Dear friends,
> I have been using PostgreSQL since 6.3 releases and I am a real fan.
> Of course, I never use nor trust MySQL to deliver data.
> Now I use Drupal 6.3 with PostgreSQL 8.4.
> I loose a lot of time correcting Drupal SQL.
> You may be interested in my developer feedback.
> I gathered some real examples here: Guidelines for writing MySQL and
> PostgreSQL compliant SQL => http://drupal.org/node/555514
> This page gathers most frequent problems that Drupal users and
> developers encounter when using PostgreSQL.
> I would be delighted to have your feedback.
> Could some issues reasonably be fixed for a better Drupal support?
A lot of these issues seem to have easy workarounds, so I'm not sure
what the big deal is. If you don't write standards-compliant SQL, you
shouldn't be surprised when you find out that it's not portable. Most
of those constructions wouldn't work on Microsoft SQL server either,
and I bet at least some of them would fail under Oracle as well.
For the int/varchar casting issue, you might try putting single quotes
around the values. I would expect that to work in both databases,
though I don't use MySQL.