At 12:38 PM 25/10/2004, Bruce Momjian wrote:
> o Anything that works only for pg_restore and hence doesn't
> work for ASCII dumps isn't an acceptable solution
Agree; but don't forget that an ascii dump is implemented almost
identically to "pg_dump | pg_restore", so when I refer to using pg_restore
in this thread it almost certainly applies to ascii dumps as well. Eg.
extra stuff in the TOC, and using the definition as a template *will*
produce the requested output in ascii dumps.
> o Creating the tablespaces before the dump is restored is
> a good solution for moving tablespaces, but as Tom pointed
> out, it doesn't work well for non-super-user restores
And for users who want to create a single database with no extra
tablespaces (eg. development version vs. production instance).
> o Moving the indexes can't be dont easily after they are
> created because they are not zero-length files
> o The soft-failure GUC option for non-existant tablespaces
> is a hack just for use by pg_dump. It doesn't fix the
> problem that the tablespace clause makes the SQL nonstandard.
If we can adopt the move-after-create solution, then we really only have
two options:
- virtual tablespaces (which do seem kind of useful, especially for development vs. production config where the
local/personaldev version can use the same script as a production DB but not need half a dozen TSs)
- magic-tablespace-var that behaves like the schema search path
Are there any others?
>And the best quote from the thread:
>Philip Warner wrote:
> > <soapbox>
> > A fact I positively loath! Relying on the 'bluder-on-regardless' approach
> > is not something I'd like to enshrine.
> > </soapbox>
>The 'bluder-on-regardless' phrase is very funny.
Fame at last! Even with the typo.
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