At 12:15 AM 29/05/2004, Jon Jensen wrote:
>However, I would like to see an option to include the timestamp if someone
>wants it.
The timestamp is already in the header for custom dumps. Have a look at the
first few lines from a 'pg_restore -l'.
In terms of general comments, there is already a 'WARNING' type TOC entry
for custom dumps. This emits a warning message when pg_restore is called.
A similar mechanism could be used to dump SQL comments. eg. new TOC type of
'SQL_COMMENT' with a defn starting with '--' would work with old & new
pg_dump versions. It might be a good idea to investigate the likely uses
for these comments, since the TOC entries may be suppressed depending on
whether they are deemed to be part of the schema or the data. Once the
modes of use are defined, a better mechanism may become apparent.
Philip Warner | __---_____
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