On 12/8/24 04:45, YoungUk Song wrote:
> Hi Team,
> I’m currently implementing a solution to establish more than 500
> database connections to a single server to verify whether the PostgreSQL
> server is in read-only or read-write mode.
The server as whole is either in recovery or it is not, that takes one
connection to determine. What are the remaining 499 connections for?
> My current approach is to create individual database connections and
> execute the |pg_is_in_recovery()| function for each connection to
> determine the mode.
> I’m curious if there are any best practices or more efficient methods to
> achieve this.
> Additionally, I’m not very familiar with Psycopg, so I would greatly
> appreciate any advice or suggestions on areas that might need improvement.
> Looking forward to your insights!
Adrian Klaver