On Thu, 2024-03-21 at 15:10 -0400, Corey Huinker wrote:
> In which case wouldn't the checkCanModify on pg_statistic would be a
> proxy for is_superuser/has_special_role_we_havent_created_yet.
So if someone pg_dumps their table and gets the statistics in the SQL,
then they will get errors loading it unless they are a member of a
special role?
If so we'd certainly need to make --no-statistics the default, and have
some way of skipping stats during reload of the dump (perhaps make the
set function a no-op based on a GUC?).
But ideally we'd just make it safe to dump and reload stats on your own
tables, and then not worry about it.
> Not off hand, no.
To me it seems like inconsistent data to have most_common_freqs in
anything but descending order, and we should prevent it.
> >
Jeff Davis