Re: Docbook 5.x - Mailing list pgsql-docs

From Jürgen Purtz
Subject Re: Docbook 5.x
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Docbook 5.x  (Alexander Law <>)
Responses Re: Docbook 5.x
Re: Docbook 5.x
List pgsql-docs
On 14.09.2016 13:18, Alexander Law wrote:
> Hello, Peter.
>>>> Should we now compare DSSSL outputs with XSLT?
>>>> I had some success with it before. See my letter:
>>>> Those xslt's (see xhtml-like-dsssl.patch) can help us to see all the
>>>> differences and to decide which customizations to keep.
>>> It looks like the idea there is to whack the XSLT stylesheets until the
>>> output looks exactly like the DSSSL output?  I'm not sure that's
>>> terribly useful.  It would probably be a lot of work, which we'll just
>>> end up removing eventually.  I'd rather just fix any formatting issues
>>> we find and move forward.
>> That work is done already and it's results are countable and
>> observable differences. (See comments in the xslt.)
>> For example, with DSSSL we don't get a chapter TOC when the chapter
>> contains only one sect1 (with XSLT we get the TOC with the one item).
>> We also had subtoc for sect1/refentry and sect1/simplesect, but with
>> XSLT it's absent.
>> So if all such differences are not important, let's move forward.
> Please look at the
> where I have gathered together all the significant differences, that
> we have between DSSSL and XSLT outputs.
> I have marked red the differences that I would consider as negative.
> Let's decide which ones are acceptable and which we need to eliminate.
> Best regards,
> Alexander

Hello Alexander,

great job!

In my opinion most of the differences are not only acceptable but even
better. Here are some addition notes:

For me the following topics are ok: 18, 19, 22, 37.

If possible we shall invest some more effort in solutions for: 1 (up +
home not only in footer but also in header), 8, 11, 20, 30.

Topics 9 and 22 seems to be identical.

Kind regards, Jürgen

pgsql-docs by date:

From: Alexander Law
Subject: Re: Docbook 5.x
From: Alexander Law
Subject: Re: Docbook 5.x