Need help to dynamically access to colomns in function! - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Иван Марков
Subject Need help to dynamically access to colomns in function!
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Responses Re: Need help to dynamically access to colomns in function!
Re: Need help to dynamically access to colomns in function!
List pgsql-general
Hello. I have table classif with columns:
... , group1, group2, group3, ... , group48, ...

In function i do query and want run on every row and dynamically operate on columns from group1 to group20. I do something like this:

OPEN curs FOR select * from classif;
    fetch curs into tmprec;
    exit when not found;
    for I in 1..20 loop
    -- problem code is:
        value :={I}; 
    -- i cannot dynamically access to group1, group2, ... colomns according to "I" variable.

    end loop;
end loop;

I have to manually identify and handle each entry without a cycle do something like this:
value := tmprec.group1;
value := tmprec.group2;
value := tmprec.group2;
value := tmprec.group20;
Please help me to do it dynamically with a loop, depending on the I?
something like this in a loop:
value :={I}; 


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