In sqlite with SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE table='a' I can
obtain the complete CREATE TABLE ... commands,
Wich is the equivalent in PostgeSQL ? I've been trying
information_schema.tables without success ...
raimon fernandez
for example:
for table 'comptes' I want to retrieve this:
create table public.comptes( "codi_empresa" char(2) not null ,
"codi_compte" varchar not null , "comptes" varchar not null , "tipus"
char(2) not null , "clau_compte" char(13) not null , "saldo_deure"
numeric(12,2) not null , "saldo_haver" numeric(12,2) not null ,
"nivell" int2 not null , "saldo" numeric(12,2) not null ,
"ultim_moviment" date not null , "codi_437" int2 not null
ALTER table "public"."comptes" OWNER TO "postgres";
ALTER table "public"."comptes" SET WITHOUT CLUSTER;
alter table "public"."comptes" add primary key(clau_compte);
create index "clau_compte1" on "public"."comptes" using btree
(clau_compte) ;
create index "comptes1" on "public"."comptes" using btree(comptes) ;
create index "nivell" on "public"."comptes" using btree(nivell) ;