I am currently unable to search the archive so I will ask even though I
am sure something similar has been asked before.
I am wondering why a pg_restore is so slow. I have a db that was dumped
with columns and inserts, which I Know is slower than using the copy
statements but why are inserts so slow and is there anything I can
do to make it faster. Is there any documentation that talks about this?
I have a db that as plain text is 6.2MB, not much, but when I restore it
(using psql for plain text) it takes over 6 min.
That same db created with pg_dump -DFc and then run through pg_restore
takes over 12 minutes.
My machine is an AMD xp2000 with 500MB ram running win2000 and
postgresql 7.3.2, obviously through cygwin.
I just can't imagine a multi gigabyte database being able to be restored
via pg_restore.
The reason I think I need to use insert statements is for longevity. The
customers may need to go on a witch hunt years down the road and my
thinking was that if this was just SQL, it will always work.
Matthew Rudolph
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