On 04/19/2016 06:35 PM, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> I'm running postgresql on ubuntu. the 9.4 branch from postgresql.org
> I think the only way to disable ipv6 is to edit postgresql.conf and explicitly state localhost in ipv4 as follows
> - listen_addresses = 'localhost'
> + listen_addresses = ''
> can anyone confirm?
"listen_addresses (string)
Specifies the TCP/IP address(es) on which the server is to listen
for connections from client applications. The value takes the form of a
comma-separated list of host names and/or numeric IP addresses. The
special entry * corresponds to all available IP interfaces. The entry allows listening for all IPv4 addresses and :: allows listening
for all IPv6 addresses. If the list is empty, the server does not listen
on any IP interface at all, in which case only Unix-domain sockets can
be used to connect to it. The default value is localhost, which allows
only local TCP/IP "loopback" connections to be made. While client
authentication (Chapter 19) allows fine-grained control over who can
access the server, listen_addresses controls which interfaces accept
connection attempts, which can help prevent repeated malicious
connection requests on insecure network interfaces. This parameter can
only be set at server start.
Adrian Klaver