On 04/20/2016 02:51 PM, drum.lucas@gmail.com wrote:
> Well.. will try ONE more time then.
> 1 - The customer can add any value into users.code column
> 2 - The customer can chose between *add or no**t* add the value on
> users.code column
> 3 - If users.code is null (because the customer's chosen not to add any
> value in there), a trigger/function has to do the job.
> 4 - the function/trigger add the next available value, which the default
> is 1000 and it's stored on companies.client_code_increment
In addition to what John and David said, from your original post:
"DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS client_code_increment_count();
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public"."client_code_increment_count" ()
SELECT MAX(CAST(users.code AS INT)) FROM users WHERE users.code ~
'^\d+$' AND company_id = 2
SELECT * FROM "client_code_increment_count"();"
If I am following, this duplicates the information in
companies.client_code_increment, in that they both return the last
non-user code. Of course this assumes, as David mentioned, that the
client is not using a numeric code system. Then you are left trying to
figure whether a number is 'your' number or 'their' number?
> Lucas
Adrian Klaver