On Aug 30, 2006, at 1:13 , Bruce Momjian wrote:
> Uh, I came up with a cleaner one, I think. I didn't test
> --enable-integer-datetimes yet.
Cool. It's indeed much cleaner. Thanks, Bruce. I'm about to head to
bed, but I'll look at it more closely tomorrow.
I also noticed that my regression tests didn't exercise the code I
thought it did. If you have a chance before I get to it, you might
want to try these as well:
select interval '41 mon 12 days 360:00' / 10 as quotient_a
, interval '41 mon -12 days -360:00' / 10 as quotient_b
, interval '-41 mon 12 days 360:00' / 10 as quotient_c
, interval '-41 mon -12 days -360:00' / 10 as quotient_d;
quotient_a | quotient_b |
quotient_c | quotient_d
4 mons 4 days 40:48:00 | 4 mons 2 days -40:48:00 | -4 mons -2 days
+40:48:00 | -4 mons -4 days -40:48:00
(1 row)
select interval '41 mon 12 days 360:00' * 0.3 as product_a
, interval '41 mon -12 days -360:00' * 0.3 as product_b
, interval '-41 mon 12 days 360:00' * 0.3 as product_c
, interval '-41 mon -12 days -360:00' * 0.3 as product_d;
product_a | product_b |
product_c | product_d
1 year 12 days 122:24:00 | 1 year 6 days -122:23:60.00 | -1 years -6
days +122:24:00 | -1 years -12 days -122:23:60.00
(1 row)
The quotients look fine, but I'm wondering if another set of rounding
is needed to bump those -122:23:60.00 to -122:24:00 in product_b and
Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net