We're are now one third of the way through the 2016-03 Commitfest.
There are still some patches left that need review but have no reviewer
(https://commitfest.postgresql.org/9/?reviewer=-2) though a lot have
been picked up in the last week.
Needs review: 56
Needs *reviewer*: 15 (was 58 last week)
There were a number of patches that were marked as "needs review" but
were actually "waiting for author" as far as I could see. If your patch
is in this state it would be good if you could give an idea when you
will be able to supply a new patch or otherwise address concerns raised
in the thread.
Waiting on Author: 29
The closed patches are up significantly since last week and the good
news is that most of them were committed. 36% of the patches are now
Committed: 46
Rejected: 4
Returned with Feedback: 4
I will continue to respond individually to threads that seem idle or
have issues that need to be resolved. Please do not hesitate to contact
me about about any concerns that you might have regarding the Commitfest