> Thanks! Fixed and added tests.
Thank you!
I did some patch cleanup/fix, but I have some doubt with function's names:
1 to_tsvector:
# \df to_tsvector
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | regconfig, text | normal
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | text | normal
pg_catalog | to_tsvector | tsvector | text[] | normal
First two variants of to_tsvector make a morphological processing, last one doesn't.
2 to_array
# \df *to_array
List of functions
Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types |
pg_catalog | regexp_split_to_array | text[] | text, text |
pg_catalog | regexp_split_to_array | text[] | text, text, text |
pg_catalog | string_to_array | text[] | text, text |
pg_catalog | string_to_array | text[] | text, text, text |
pg_catalog | to_array | text[] | tsvector |
Seems, to_array is not a right name compared to other *to_array.
I would like to suggest rename both functions to array_to_tsvector and
tsvector_to_array to have consistent name. Later we could add
to_tsvector([regconfig, ], text[]) with morphological processing.
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teodor@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/