Re: [ODBC] ODBC crash after DB cleanup - Mailing list pgsql-odbc

From Inoue, Hiroshi
Subject Re: [ODBC] ODBC crash after DB cleanup
Whole thread Raw
In response to [ODBC] ODBC crash after DB cleanup  ("K S, Sandhya (Nokia - IN/Bangalore)" <>)
Responses Re: [ODBC] ODBC crash after DB cleanup
List pgsql-odbc

On 2017/08/28 19:08, K S, Sandhya (Nokia - IN/Bangalore) wrote:
We are using PostgreSQL release 9.3.14 and psqlODBC release 09.03.0400 configured over linux based OS. We are encountering an issue in production where we are observing ODBC crash after rehoming(cleanup of database) and BTS sites are going down after this activity. This issue is observed 3 times in production environment.

The current version 09.06.0410 of psqlodbc is pretty different from 09.03.0400.
Could you try newer versions?

Hiroshi Inoue

Below the bt of the core file.
(gdb) bt
#0  0x000000555a0323c0 in strcpy () from /srv/Log/bak/mnt/backup/iso/lib64/
#1  0x00000055c53ddfa4 in SC_create_errorinfo (self=Cannot access memory at address 0x55bbfe80e0
) at statement.c:1416
Cannot access memory at address 0x55bbfe8108
(gdb) disassemble SC_create_errorinfo
Dump of assembler code for function SC_create_errorinfo:
   0x00000055c53dd910 <+0>:     daddiu  sp,sp,-4272
   0x00000055c53dd914 <+4>:     sd      ra,4264(sp)
   0x00000055c53dd918 <+8>:     sd      s8,4256(sp)
   0x00000055c53dd91c <+12>:    sd      gp,4248(sp)
   0x00000055c53dd920 <+16>:    move    s8,sp
   0x00000055c53dd924 <+20>:    lui     gp,0x6
   0x00000055c53dd928 <+24>:    daddu   gp,gp,t9
   0x00000055c53dd92c <+28>:    daddiu  gp,gp,-26368
   0x00000055c53ddf98 <+1672>:  move    t9,v0
   0x00000055c53ddf9c <+1676>:  jalr    t9
   0x00000055c53ddfa0 <+1680>:  nop
   0x00000055c53ddfa4 <+1684>:  ld      v0,40(s8)
   0x00000055c53ddfa8 <+1688>:  move    sp,s8
   0x00000055c53ddfac <+1692>:  ld      ra,4264(sp)
   0x00000055c53ddfb0 <+1696>:  ld      s8,4256(sp)
   0x00000055c53ddfb4 <+1700>:  ld      gp,4248(sp)
   0x00000055c53ddfb8 <+1704>:  daddiu  sp,sp,4272
   0x00000055c53ddfbc <+1708>:  jr      ra
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
   0x00000055c53ddfc0 <+1712>:  nop
End of assembler dump
We are trying to reproduce the issue in local environment, no success yet. Enabling ODBC debug logs on production is not an option as we see 50% decrease in performance when we enable ODBC logs.
Please help us in resolving this issue.

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