I stumbled upon a possibly strange behavior which may be related to recent
initdb changes. For a freshly initdb'd cluster, the following looks fishy:
postgres=# SELECT relname, relnamespace::regnamespace FROM pg_class
WHERE relnamespace != 'pg_catalog'::regnamespace
AND relnamespace != 'pg_toast'::regnamespace
AND relnamespace != 'information_schema'::regnamespace; relname | relnamespace
----------------------+-----------------pg_toast_11817 | pg_toast_temp_1pg_toast_11817_index |
pg_toast_temp_1pg_toast_11822 | pg_toast_temp_1pg_toast_11822_index | pg_toast_temp_1pg_toast_11827 |
pg_toast_temp_1pg_toast_11827_index| pg_toast_temp_1tmp_pg_description | pg_temp_1tmp_pg_shdescription |
pg_temp_1tmp_pg_collation | pg_temp_1
(10 rows)
These seem to be leftovers of activities of initdb.c's setup_description()
and setup_collaction(). Interestingly, they disappear after performing the
following steps:
0. Stop the server
1. Connect to the database in --single mode, create a temp table, exit.
2. Log back into the database in normal mode and execute the same query.
The behavior seems to be as of commit c4a8812cf (Use just one
standalone-backend session for initdb's post-bootstrap steps). Is this a