On 2015/11/12 16:10, Kyotaro HORIGUCHI wrote:
>>> I really don't see why you're fighting on this point. Making this a
>>> generic feature will require only a few extra lines of code for FDW
>>> authors. If this were going to cause some great inconvenience for FDW
>>> authors, then I'd agree it isn't worth it. But I see zero evidence
>>> that this is actually the case.
>> Really? I think there would be not a little burden on an FDW author;
>> when postgres_fdw delegates to the subplan to the remote server, for
>> example, it would need to create a remote join query by looking at
>> tuples possibly fetched and stored in estate->es_epqTuple[], send the
>> query and receive the result during the callback routine.
> Do you mind that FDW cannot generate a plan so that make a tuple
> from eqpTules then apply fdw_quals from predefined executor
> nodes?
No. Please see my previous email. Sorry for my unfinished email.
Best regards,
Etsuro Fujita