>> There is patch that adds some editing routines for tsvector type.
> When submitting a patch, it's a good idea to explain why someone would
> want the feature you are adding. Maybe that's obvious to you, but it
> isn't clear to me why we'd want this.
Some examples:
tsvector delete(tsvector, text)remove wronlgy indexed word (may, be a stop word)
text[] to_array(tsvector)In my practice, I needed it to work with smlar module.
tsvector to_tsvector(text[])Converts list of tags to tsvector, because search in tsvector is more flexible and
fastthan array's equivalents
set unnest(tsvector) Count some complicated statistics.
That functions mostly needed in utility processing rather in workflow.
Teodor Sigaev E-mail: teodor@sigaev.ru
WWW: http://www.sigaev.ru/