I finished running pg_upgrade on the primary, so far so good, and now I'm at step 9.5 (Verify).
On the primary I see:
root@test1:/pub/pg95# /usr/local/pg95/bin/pg_controldata -D /pub/pg95|grep "Latest check"
Latest checkpoint location: 1D2/36000028
I cannot run pg93 pg_controldata because pg_control was renamed with a .old, but I'm not sure if I even need to.
pg_controldata: could not open file "/pub/pg93/global/pg_control" for reading: No such file or directory
On the standby I see:
postgres@test2:~$ /usr/local/pg93/bin/pg_controldata /pub/pg93|grep "Latest check"
Latest checkpoint location: 1D1/AF000060
So these numbers dont match, so that that mean:
1) I compared the wrong ones
2) Its broke, dont go any further
3) Its fine, rsync away
Thanks for your time,