On 08/17/2015 10:14 AM, Bear Giles wrote:
> I'm starting to work on a tar FDW as a proxy for a much more specific
> FDW. (It's the 'faster to build two and toss the first away' approach
> - tar lets me get the FDW stuff nailed down before attacking the more
> complex container.) It could also be useful in its own right, or as
> the basis for a zip file FDW.
> I have figured out that in one mode the FDW mapping that would take
> the name of the tarball as an option and produce a relation that has
> all of the metadata for the contained files - filename, size, owner,
> timestamp, etc. I can use the same approach I used for the /etc/passwd
> FDW for that.
> (BTW the current version is at
> https://github.com/beargiles/passwd-fdw. It's skimpy on automated
> tests until I can figure out how to handle the user mapping but it works.)
> The problem is the second mode where I pull a single file out of the
> FDW. I've identified three approachs so far:
> 1. A FDW mapping specific to each file. It would take the name of the
> tarfile and the embedded file. Cleanest in some ways but it would be a
> real pain if you're reading a tarball dynamically.
> 2. A user-defined function that takes the name of the tarball and file
> and returns a blob. This is the traditional approach but why bother
> with a FDW then? It also brings up access control issues since it
> requires disclosure of the tarball name to the user. A FDW could hide
> that.
> 3. A user-defined function that takes a tar FDW and the name of a file
> and returns a blob. I think this is the best approach but I don't know
> if I can specify a FDW as a parameter or how to access it.
> I've skimmed the existing list of FDW but didn't find anything that
> can serve as a model. The foreign DB are closest but, again, they
> aren't designed for dynamic use where you want to do something with
> every file in an archive / table in a foreign DB.
> Is there an obvious approach? Or is it simply a bad match for FDW and
> should be two standard UDF? (One returns the metadata, the second
> returns the specific file.)
I would probably do something like this:
In this mode, define a table that has <path, blob>. To get the blob for
a single file, just do "select blob from fdwtable where path =
'/path/to/foo'". Make sure you process the qual in the FDW.
create foreign table tarblobs (path text, blob bytea) server tarfiles options (filename '/path/to/tarball', mode