On 06/17/2015 08:37 AM, Stephen Tahmosh wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to locate the EnterpriseDB Language Pack (pl/pythonu, pl/perlu)
> I found the PostgreSql Installer (postgresql-9.4.4-1-linux-x64.run) at
> enterprisedb.com, and was successful in running it
> However, I thought the Language Pack was part of the installer, and it
> seems it is not
> I found the README for the language pack
> (http://get.enterprisedb.com/docs/README-languagepack.txt)
> but cannot find the Installer.
You should be asking Enterprisedb about their version of PostgreSQL, not
PostgreSQL.Org. Further I suggest you instead use yum.postgresql.org to
get proper packages.
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