Left lateral join with for update and skip locked - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Benjamin Börngen-Schmidt
Subject Left lateral join with for update and skip locked
Msg-id 550975CA.8020305@boerngen-schmidt.de
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Responses Re: Left lateral join with for update and skip locked
Re: Left lateral join with for update and skip locked
List pgsql-hackers
A few days ago I posted a question on general concerning the new feature 
SKIP LOCKED in PostgreSQL 9.5-dev.

For the orginal question can be found here: 

What I'm trying to archieve is to match a point from my data which meets 
certain conditions to a given point. The given points are selected by 
'Select id as "start" ....', then the left lateral join should go 
through each given point and find a corresponding point which is  not in 
the same region and between 5 and 10 km away. If I did understand the 
lateral join right, it will be executed like a loop for every previously 
selected row in a non lateral statement.

The Lateral statement does return a result, which I do not expect. I 
returns an end point multiple times for diverent start points. Why? I 
thought, that the selected point by the lateral is locked by the FOR 
UPDATE and if the lateral selects a point that is already locked it will 
be skipped by the SKIP LOCKED.

SELECT   start,   destination,   ST_Distance(start_geom, end_geom) AS distance_meter   FROM (     SELECT id as "start",
geomas start_geom     FROM de_sim_points_start     WHERE NOT used AND rs = '057700032032'     ORDER BY RANDOM()
LEFT JOIN LATERAL (     SELECT id as destination, geom as end_geom     FROM de_sim_points_end     WHERE NOT used AND rs
IN(       SELECT sk.rs       FROM de_commuter_kreise ck         INNER JOIN de_shp_kreise sk           ON sk.rs = ck.rs
ANDST_DWithin((SELECT ST_Union(geom) FROM
de_shp WHERE rs ='057700032032'), sk.geom, 5000)       UNION       SELECT cg.rs       FROM de_commuter_gemeinden cg
   INNER JOIN de_shp_gemeinden sg           ON sg.rs = cg.rs AND ST_DWithin((SELECT ST_Union(geom) FROM
de_shp WHERE rs = '057700032032'), sg.geom, 5000)     )        AND NOT ST_DWithin(geom, start_geom, 2000) AND
start_geom, 5000)     FOR UPDATE SKIP LOCKED     LIMIT 1

What I think the query is doing:
1. It SELECTs the startpoints
2. Then for each row it selects in the lateral join a corresponding endpoint
2.1 skipping already locked endpoints and find the next not lock one
2.2 While it selects this endpoint it is lock due to the FOR UPDATE
3. Result is presented

BUT what happens is, that I get the same endpoint a couple of times. It 
seems to me that the lateral join does not evaluate the SKIP LOCKED 
right, since this endpoint occurs multiple times. Is this a bug or a 

I also would be glad if you guys could tell me a better way to match 
points as I would really help me with my mastersthesis.

- Benjamin

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