Gregory Stark <> writes:
> Tom Lane <> writes:
>> (1) code written to existing practice will always generate 4-byte
>> headers. (Hence, VARDATA() acts the same as now.) That's the format
>> that generally gets passed around in memory.
> So then we don't need to replace VARSIZE with SET_VARLENA_LEN at all.
Yes, we do, because we have to alter the representation of 4-byte headers.
Otherwise we can't tell which header format a datum is using.
> So (nigh) every tuple will get deformed and reformed once before it goes to
> disk? Currently the toast code doesn't even look at a tuple if it's small
> enough, but in this case we would want it to fire even on very narrow rows.
I'd be inclined to put the intelligence into heap_form_tuple and thereby
avoid getting the TOAST code involved unless there are wide fields to
deal with.
> What I had had in mind was to prohibit using smaller headers than the
> alignment of the data type. But that was on the assumption we would continue
> to use the compressed header in memory and not copy it.
Well, it wouldn't be too unreasonable to limit this whole mechanism to
datatypes that have no alignment requirements on the *content* of their
datums; which in practice is probably just text/varchar/char and perhaps
regards, tom lane