On 10/6/14, 3:02 AM, Richard Frith-Macdonald wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone can help with advice on how to manage large lists/sets of items in a postgresql database.
> I have a database which uses multiple lists of items roughly like this:
> Name VARCHAR ....
> );
> and a table containing individual entries in the lists:
> CREATE TABLE ListEntry (
> ListID INT, /* Reference the List table */
> ItemID INT /* References an Item table */
> ) ;
> CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ListEntryIDX ON ListEntry(ListID, ItemID);
BTW, performance-wise, your best bet might be to forget about using a listentry table (BTW, I recommend not using
CamelCasefor database object naming) and instead put an array in the list table:
list_id serial PRIMARY KEY
, list_name varchar NOT NULL UNIQUE
, list_items int[] NOT NULL||||
I think there's an extension/add-on that would let you enforce referrential integrity between list_items and the items
table,but I can't find it now.
Jim Nasby, Data Architect, Blue Treble
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