> Can you enable the parameter "streaming" to on on your system [1]? It allows to
> stream the in-progress transactions to the subscriber side. I feel this can avoid
> the case that there are many .spill files on the publisher side.
> Another approach is to tune the logical_decoding_work_mem parameter [2].
> This specifies the maximum amount of memory used by the logical decoding, and
> some changes are spilled when it exceeds the limitation. Naively, this setting
> can reduce the number of files.
> [1]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/sql-createsubscription.html
> [2]: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/runtime-config-resource.html#GUC-LOGICAL-DECODING-WORK-MEM
> Best regards,
> Hayato Kuroda
Dear Hayato,
Thanks for your suggestions that were both already tested. In our (real) case (a single transaction with 12 millions
1) setting the subscription as streaming, just delay a bit the spill file surge. It does not prevent the creation of
2) we set logical_decoding_work_mem to 20GB, which probably also delayed the problem, but did not solve it.
The real problem is spill file deletions that can take days in this particular case !