Hi Everyone,
I am newbie and writing a plpgsql function. I have included source
code here for function. When I execute this function where it finds a
row in table it works fine and gives expected output.
The problem is when I run this function by passing a parameter values
where row does not exist in table. I expect it to print message and
return false. Instead it disconnects from server and throughs lot of
errors in log file. Here is output from executing this function
====When row is found======
called from psql
test=# select func1('2');
NOTICE: Value of ID 2
NOTICE: Value of NDI1
NOTICE: Value of CSSG 5007
NOTICE: Value of Interval Dischargefunc1
(1 row)
======when row is not found=====
test=# select func1('99');
pqReadData() -- backend closed the channel unexpectedly. This probably means the backend terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
The connection to the server was lost. Attempting reset: Failed.
=====also i see following errors in server logfile===
Server process (pid 21536) exited with status 139 at Fri Nov 30
22:28:57 2001
Terminating any active server processes...
Server processes were terminated at Fri Nov 30 22:28:57 2001
Reinitializing shared memory and semaphores
The Data Base System is starting up
DEBUG: database system was interrupted at 2001-11-30 22:06:39 PST
DEBUG: CheckPoint record at (0, 185703020)
DEBUG: Redo record at (0, 185703020); Undo record at (0, 0); Shutdown
DEBUG: NextTransactionId: 2177; NextOid: 1034695
DEBUG: database system was not properly shut down; automatic recovery
in progress...
DEBUG: ReadRecord: record with zero len at (0, 185703084)
DEBUG: redo is not required
DEBUG: database system is in production state
Any idea what is happeing?
Appreciate any help?
BTW- where can I find good documentation on plpgsql functions?
=======Function code========
DROP FUNCTION func1(text);
create function func1(text) returns bool as '
declare key alias for $1; ndiraw_rec ndiraw%rowtype;
begin select into ndiraw_rec * from ndiraw where ID=key; if not found then raise notice ''Record Not
foundfor key %'', key; return false; end if; raise notice ''Value of ID %'', ndiraw_rec.ID ; raise notice
''Valueof NDI1 %'',ndiraw_rec.NDI1; raise notice ''Value of CSSG %'',ndiraw_rec.cssg; raise notice ''Value of
Interval%'',ndiraw_rec.interval; return true;
' language 'plpgsql'