On 10/31/2013 09:32 AM, David Johnston wrote:
> Adrian Klaver-3 wrote
>>> Table1
>>> Column | Type | Modifiers
>>> ----------+-------------------__+-----------------------------__------------------------------__--
>>> id | integer | not null default
>>> nextval('test_table_id_fld___seq'::regclass)
>>> Table2
>>> Column | Type | related
>>> ----------+-------------------__+-----------------------------__------------------------------__--
>>> id_table1 | integer | FK of Table1.id
>>> id_lang | integer | FK of lang.id
>>> <http://lang.id>
>>> name | varchar
> The PK for table 2 is composite: the serial key from table 1 + the language
> id. The table 1 id has to be able to repeat since the same "entity" needs
> multiple translations. Using a serial on table 2 is also possible but a
> separate issue and probably not worth adding since you need a unique index
> on (id_table1, id_lang) regardless.
> The question is why isn't there some kind of identifier on table 1 that
> gives you some idea of what the id/table record is for?
Exactly the id_table1 FK has no context, it is just a number generator,
so why make it separate? If want to just generate numbers why not just
use the sequence directly?
> David J.
Adrian Klaver