On 10/24/2013 9:47 AM, Jeff Janes wrote:
> I restore from my base backup plus WAL quite often. It is how I get a
> fresh dev or test instance when I want one. (It is also how I have
> confidence that everything is working well and that I know what I'm
> doing should the time come to do a real restore). When that starts to
> take an annoyingly long time, I run a new base backup. How often that
> is, can be anywhere from days to months, depending on what's going on
> in the database.
hey, silly idea formed on half a cup of coffee.... if that base backup
is in the form of a copy of the data directory (as opposed to tar.gz or
something), could you 'update' it by pointing an instance of postgres at
it, and then playing the WAL archive into it, then shutting that
instance down? or would it be impossible to synchronize the ongoing
new WAL's from the master with the timeline of this?
john r pierce 37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast