Fwd: Re[2]: We all are looped on Internet: request + transport = invariant - Mailing list pgsql-sql

From Dmitry Turin
Subject Fwd: Re[2]: We all are looped on Internet: request + transport = invariant
Msg-id 5239525468.20070420185923@narod.ru
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In response to We all are looped on Internet: request + transport = invariant  (Dmitry Turin <sql4-en@narod.ru>)
Responses Re: Fwd: Re[2]: We all are looped on Internet: request + transport = invariant
List pgsql-sql
>have you written a TML parser

I want, that you and other people help me in that.

>do you have feedback from actual average users,
>that TML is indeed easier to use than SQL?

TML was born in discuss with these users
(mainly nucleus physicists, optics , molecular biologists, zoologist
and ecologist)

>scheme apparently requires, that tables be defined in a special way

Table must be created in traditional way (by "create table, alter
table") and not through browser.
User must use "create table", etc in database-terminal like "psql.exe".

> you'll be better off discussing this in comp.databases.theory

There are two reason to discuss TML in this forum:
1. postgres is my favorite database,
2. discussion not in theory forum, but in forum of real database
approach to realization in greater degree.

Dmitry Turin

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From: Andrew Sullivan
Subject: Re: We all are looped on Internet: request + transport = invariant
From: RPK
Subject: Re: Retrieve month from date