On 12/08/2016 04:39 PM, John R Pierce wrote:
> On 12/8/2016 4:19 PM, Metare Solve wrote:
>> - The project is to build my Tableau skills, for one. There are a lot
>> of (work from home) jobs out there that call for Tableau skills and I
>> know the best way to learn something is to do it. I think using the
>> SQL database as a source will enable me to learn a lot of things in
>> one stroke.
> I don't know anything about Tableau, but I don't see anything on their
> fluff-heavy website mentioning postgresql, rather, it all seems
> cloud-centric and fluffy, they mention Microsoft SQL Server, Hadoop,
> Oracle, 'web sources', CSV files, and others, but no mention of
> Postgresql. and, wow. $1000 for a single seat license of the desktop
> 'personal' version, $2000 for the 'professional' version ? yikes.
I have taken a glance at:
which at least is free and Open Source.
> mostly it seems to be a tool that extracts data from pre-existing data
> sources and crunches and presents it in 'executive dashboard' sort of
> formats, it doesn't actually use the source database as anything other
> than a place to fetch from.
> pgadmin is just a database administration tool, its one way of managing
> databases, creating and modifying table structures, etc, but its not
> really suitable for production data entry and stuff, for that you'd
> normally have application software, or use ETL tools to bulk load data
> from other sources, etc.
Adrian Klaver