On 10/15/2012 04:17 PM, MichaÅ Hankiewicz wrote:
> You misunderstand me.
> According to the server logs I have sent in the first message process
> received signal 2 (it is SIGINT) and according to the documentation this
> signal should not couse server crash. Wrong values of sequences does not
> mean hole in generated values, but sequence started to generate the same
> values once again causing unique constraint violation.
OK, that sounds more like a problem. It wasn't clear from your original
post that it was replaying used sequence values.
SIGINT should normally just terminate the statement, eg:
regress=# SELECT pg_sleep(100);
ERROR: canceling statement due to user request
so I agree that something isn't right here.
Is this something you've been able to reproduce? Or is it a one-off
incident so far?
Craig Ringer