On 02.10.2012 21:12, Fujii Masao wrote:
> + * The files are named like "<WAL segment>.history". For example, if the
> + * database starts up and switches to timeline 5, while processing WAL
> + * segment 000000030000002A00000006 (the old timeline was 3), the timeline
> + * history file would be called "000000050000002A00000006.history".
> This comment is incorrect. Correctly the name of the timeline history file is
> like "<first eight digits of WAL segment>.history". So in that example,
> the timeline history file would be called "00000005.history". Or, are you
> planning to change the name of the timeline history file in the followup
> patch?
> The call of XLogArchiveNotify() for the timeline history file was removed
> from writeTimelineHistory(). Why do we need to do this? This change
> seems to prevent the timeline history file from being archived at all.
Hmm, I moved that call to the caller of writeTimeLineHistory at some
point, but seems it was lost altogether in the end. I didn't mean to
change behavior.
Fixed both issues, thanks.
- Heikki