On 14/09/12 06:11, Ross Reedstrom wrote:
> Hey PostgreSQL speed demons -
> At work, we're considering an AppScale deployment (that's the Google App Engine
> roll-your-own http://appscale.cs.ucsb.edu/). It supports multiple technologies
> to back the datastore part of the platform (HBase, Hypertable, MySQL Cluster,
> Cassandra, Voldemort, MongoDB, MemcacheDB, Redis). Oddly enough, in performance
> tests, the MySQL Cluster seems like the general winner (their tests, we haven't
> done any yet)
> So, my immediate thought was "How hard would it be to replace the MySQL
> Cluster bit w/ PostgreSQL?" I'm thinking hot standby/streaming rep. May or may
> not need a pooling solution in there as well (I need to look at the AppScale
> abstraction code, it may already be doing the pooling/direction bit.)
> Any thoughts from those with more experience using/building PostgreSQL clusters?
> Replacing MySQL Cluster? Clearly they must be using a subset of functionality,
> since they support so many different backend stores. I'll probably have to
> set up an instance of all this, run some example apps, and see what's actually
> stored to get a handle on it. The GAE api for the datastore is sort of a ORM,
> w/ yet another query language, that seems to map to SQL better than to NoSQL,
> in any case. There seems to be a fairly explicit exposure of a table==class
> sort of mapping.
Postgres-xc might be a good option to consider too.