On 26/07/2012 15:04, Vincent Veyron wrote:
> The money spent in licences alone would pay for scores of developpers to
> produce any kind of reporting you will need many times over (the data
> and its structure is what counts, reporting is easy if you have that)
I disagree that licences will cover reporting costs...
I come from the other end of the spectrum. We provide reporting systems
for telco's banks etc. These are relatively stable, carefully designed
reports going to either a small number of high profile clients or
to a large number of end users.
When we installed a system for a UK telco some years ago it ended up
being the biggest outsourced print job in europe. It took up two
exchange trunks for data and ran a months reports iin a few days.
Initially the reporting hardware was three(ish) mid range sun desktops :-)
We dont "do" generic reporting systems - our target audience are
established complex and configurable reports that are run
periodically and take up lots of manula or system resources.
If the Op wants more detail I can pass provide $boss's email address
but as I say it is more of a niche reporting product.
p.s. I am interested in this thread as I have a clinet who has a larg(ish)
PG db and creates ad-hoc crosstab style reports. If I can find a tool he could
use - he is a salesman and very non technical :-)
At the mo I am building reporting tables and using thsi to populate
crosstabs in openoffice using datapilot - crude but alot faster than
the existing solution which involves manually calcing each cell in
the crosstab :-/ openoffice replaces weeks of work with no more
that an hours report design/config.