At 6/19/2003 16:32, wrote:
>Je dois améliorer les temps de réponses de requete d'une base de donnée,
>notament celles qui permettent de générer un rapport.
>Cette base de données est actuellement sous mysql.
Basically you don't _need_ to move to postgresql only because a report is
running slowly.
You can do from horrible to divine database design with anything from mysql
to oracle. :-)
The reasons for moving to postgresql are far more complex that bad
performing queries, as those queries
can be cached, rewritten, combined, tweaked, tables re-normalized and so
on. Reasons for moving to postgresql
are things such as ACID compliance, stored procedures, better scalability
under heavy load, and standing out from the crowd :^)
>SI je fais une migration vers postgresql mes temps de réponse seront-ils
>réellement améliorés?
MySQL is rumoured to be somewhat faster than PostgreSQL on "single-user, a
lot of reads" scenarious.
>Sachant que quand je crée un rapport j'ai entre 100 et 600 requetes
That sounds a bit strange; you mean the report comprises between 100 and
600 requests to the database ? Queries ?
Then perhaps you should look into some other way of doing this, like query
re-writing and combining, using an external program
(say a perl script) that connects thru an unix socket (probably faster that
tcp/ip, if that's the case), .... it depends.
If those are rows, on the other hand, something is _really_ wrong.
>Merci pour toute réponses de vos part.
Radu-Adrian Popescu
CSA, DBA, Developer
Aldratech Ltd.