PostgreSQL 7.1.3, FreeBSD-4.3-RELEASE, gcc 2.95.3
I'm trying to attempt to detect a failed backend connection, but a call to
PQstatus() always returns the state of the backend when the call was
made. For example, take this test code:
PGconn *pgConn;PGresult *pgRes;int fdPGconn;
int i = 0;int iNewState = 0;int iOldState = 60;
pgConn = PQconnectdb("dbname=pglogd user=postgres");
while ( i == 0 ){ iNewState = PQstatus(pgConn);
if ( iNewState != iOldState ) { iOldState = iNewState; printf("Connection State [%d]\n",
fdPGconn = PQsocket(pgConn); printf("Connection Socket [%d]\n", fdPGconn); }
If you start this with the backend running, the status is CONNECTION_OK,
then pull the plug on the backend, the call to PQstatus() will still return
CONNECTION_OK, even though the backend is not running. Start this program
with the backend not running, then start the backend, PQstatus() never sees
the backend come to life...
Am I reading PQstatus() wrong? Is there any way to detect when the backend
goes down or comes back up?