I've been looking at it too, and my idea is that this is not possible. Only
a dump and load would do the trick...
if the data-types are compatible of course...
At 12:13 18-4-2003 +0700, Devi Munandar wrote:
>I've created table with postgresql, and so far so good, but I want to change
>Field type and field length, I've tried to find command line and
>documentation postgresql to change table field, but I can't get it. so there
>are any trip to change that field...?
>CREATE TABLE "dat_jab" (
> "code_jab" numeric(2,0) NOT NULL,
> "nm_jab" varchar(25),
> CONSTRAINT "dat_jab_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("code_jab")
>CREATE INDEX "dat_jab_code_jab_key" ON "dat_jab" ("code_jab");
>*** want to change Field Type "code_jab" numeric(4.0) , and field name
>"nm_jab" -->"nm_cdjab"
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?