Never mind,
it's the -I parameter, and it's not -lpgsql but -lpq :)
However, I wonder if it is possible not to have to set the flag... so as to
add the dir to the default headerfile-searchpath...
Michiel out
At 01:18 21-1-2003 +0100, Michiel Lange wrote:
>I know I am being silly, but it is late and I cannot recall what the
>solution was...
>When I write a C program with
>#include <libpq-fe.h>
>#include "libpq-fe.h"
>and compile with -llibpq turned on, I get the message that the system
>cannot find libpq-fe.h
>I know it is me being really silly, for the headerfile is where I expected
>it: /usr/local/pgsql/include/libpg-fe.h
>The solution should be to tell gcc where to find this file... even better
>would be: to include the dir to the include-files path... but there it
>stops for me, anyone who can help me out?
>Gcc 2.95.3, Slackware 8.1, PostgeSQL 7.3 ordinary users as well as root
>should be able to compile it. (some little voice in my head told me that
>it might differ for root)
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