It looks like you're running postmaster in "interactive" mode (ie not
backgrounding the process).
have a look at the pg_ctl command, I think this is what you're after:
pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -l /path/to/log/file
This will automatically background the postmaster process for you.
>I've successfully compiled PostGreSQL 7.2 on my MacOS X v. 10.1.3 machine,
>but it doesn't seem to run. When I start the postmaster, sometimes nothing
>happens. Other times, I get the following debug messages.
>[irpsws16:/usr/local/pgsql] postgres% /usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -D
>DEBUG: database system was shut down at 2002-02-23 21:50:10 PST
>DEBUG: checkpoint record is at 0/109734
>DEBUG: redo record is at 0/109734; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
>DEBUG: next transaction id: 89; next oid: 16556
>DEBUG: database system is ready
><I press Enter here>
>^CDEBUG: fast shutdown request
>DEBUG: shutting down
>DEBUG: database system is shut down
>[irpsws16:/usr/local/pgsql] postgres%
Chris Smith
Tel: 02 9568 6866
Fax: 02 9568 6733