I search in the archive and i have found that i have to specify the type of
the column at the end of the query... so the new query is :
explain select * from b where col1=123::int8;
In this way, the explain output is correct.
The e-mail i found in the archive says that the problem will be solved in
some future release....
At this point, is it safe to use BIGINT datatype and indexes on those fields?
Thank for your answers,
Eng. Denis Gasparin: denis@edistar.com
Programmer & System Administrator - Edistar srl
At 14.57 24/08/01, Denis Gasparin wrote:
>Hi to all!
> Is it possible to define indexes on a column with BIGINT
> datatype? See this example:
>testdb=# create table a (col1 integer not null primary key);
>NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'a_pkey' for
>table 'a'
>testdb=# create table b (col1 bigint not null primary key);
>NOTICE: CREATE TABLE/PRIMARY KEY will create implicit index 'b_pkey' for
>table 'b'
>testdb=# explain select * from a where col1=123;
>Index Scan using a_pkey on a (cost=0.00..8.14 rows=10 width=4)
>testdb=# explain select * from b where col1=123;
>Seq Scan on b (cost=0.00..22.50 rows=10 width=8)
>On table a (INTEGER datatype) the search is done using the index.
>Instead on table b (BIGINT datatype) the search is always done using the
>seq scan.
>Is it a bug?
>I use Postgresql 7.1.2 on RedHat 7.1. All the regress tests has been
>completed correctely during installation.
>Please, let me know as soon as possible...
>Eng. Denis Gasparin: denis@edistar.com
>Programmer & System Administrator - Edistar srl
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