Using PGAdminII I created the plpgsql_call_handler function pointing it to
the plpgsql.dll file.
Then I created the language pointing it to the handler, clicked off trusted.
I then created a very simple procedure:
-- Function: sales_tax(float4)
CREATE FUNCTION "sales_tax"("float4") RETURNS "float4" AS ' DECLARE
subtotal ALIAS FOR $1; BEGIN return subtotal * 0.06; END; ' LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
Then I called it using an sql window:
select sales_tax(45);
When I execute the statement the main window says executing query, a few
seconds go by and then it says executing query...Done. and I get
this error:
An error has occured in pgAdmin II:frmSQLInput.cmdExecute_Click:
Number : -2147467259
Description: Error while executing query;
No response from backend;
Error while reading from the socket
Any ideas? I execute a plain 'sql' function and it runs fine. plpgsql won't
Any help would be appreciated, I don't know if it is a windows problem so I
posted here first.