On 7/11/12 4:24 PM, Marcin Mańk wrote:
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Jeff Ross
<jross@wykids.org> wrote:
2012-06-19 15:37:36.283752500 <www%wykids> LOG: statement: update survey_response set srv_resp_submitted = now() where srv_resp_srv_id = 2 and srv_resp_pp_id = 25399
jross@wykids localhost# select * from survey_response where srv_resp_submitted is not null and srv_resp_srv_id = 2 and srv_resp_pp_id not in (select srv_answers_pp_id from survey_answers where srv_answers_srv_id = 2);
srv_resp_id | srv_resp_srv_id | srv_resp_pp_id | srv_resp_invite | srv_resp_first_look | srv_resp_submitted
5674 | 2 | 25399 | 2012-06-19 15:12:49.589233 | 2012-06-19 15:33:05.547012 | 2012-06-19 15:38:16.724393
The timestamps don't match - something updated the record after 15:37:36 .
Also, are the fields like srv_answers_srv_id character fields? The inserts are quoting them like varchars, which seems odd.
Yes, that was a copy / paste error that I tried to fix rather than re-do. I explained that up thread.
I just posted the table definition but they are integer fields. As far as the quoting of integer fields, that is the way Pear DB does inserts. What's the harm?