On 6/10/12 11:47 AM, Joshua Berkus wrote:
> So currently we have a major limitation in binary replication, where it is not possible to "remaster" your system
(thatis, designate the most caught-up standby as the new master) based on streaming replication only. This is a major
limitationbecause the requirement to copy physical logs over scp (or similar methods), manage and expire them more than
doublesthe administrative overhead of managing replication. This becomes even more of a problem if you're doing
> Therefore I think this is a high priority for 9.3.
> As far as I can tell, the change required for remastering over streaming is relatively small; we just need to add a
newrecord type to the streaming protocol, and then start writing the timeline change to that. Are there other steps
requiredwhich I'm not seeing?
*sound of crickets chirping*
Is there other work involved which isn't immediately apparent?
Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.